Ma Kettle

Ma Kettle

Monday, April 16, 2012

Where Are The Rebels?

 So, I feel compelled to get back on the blogging band wagon if for no other reason I think I should not only rant about the craziness of everything, but I also want to be on record.  Where to begin, it's been  well over a year since I've been here. This will be a new chapter in the development of my views and position on the planet and as an American citizen. Instead of carpet bombing my friends and loved ones with my in-your-face approach, I've decided best to stretch my wings in an arena where I give all the detail that's need for understanding the nuances of my opinions.
  This year is especially important and interesting. Many of our previously held values and views are being challenged. Under the hard pinch of a stagnating economy many of us don't feel there's much room for the idealism we once entertained. Without the opportunities of a prosperous nation many of us have been forced to experience the "social safety net". Have you ever wondered why those who would never use this "safety net" are the ones making up the rules and telling the populous the need for such programs? We all know the path to hell is paved with good intentions and in the interest to feeding the hungry, programs have been created that do feed people while stripping them of their dignity and the process is strung with suspicion and threats of prosecution.
  In addition to money woes police brutality, infringement of privacy, the TSA, propaganda staged as news, etc it seems we stand on the verge of a near annihilation of anything that resembled the free America that we were told of in school. The warning alarms are sounding, but so few of us are willing to hear them. The illusion is fading because the powers don't need it anymore and this is the most terrifying thing of all. All branches of government are now acting without shame, overtly showing themselves for what they really are, a controlling western fascist state. How many of us experience injustice and keep quiet or see injustice and remain unmoved to act?
   In this election year let's be involved in our process. Vote! Even if the news says it doesn't matter, especially if the news says it doesn't matter. Don't be manipulated into either side or any side. We are made up of a motel crew of independent rebels that may not like each other, in fact most of the time we hate each other, but we are a WE. The one thing Americans have in common is that we agree freedom, individual liberty, the democratic process, and sound currency without unfair taxation are worth revolution. Our flag is stained in the blood of rebels that stood up to an oppressive force that believed it was able to control men and women who wanted to be free. What would Washington say if the country he fought so hard to forge was full of distracted and manipulated cattle unworthy of being called citizen allowing the republic to be quietly overtaken.
   And that's where we'll start. Let's start a revolution. Guns aren't necessary for this revolution words are, thoughts are. This is important, it is real, and it's already happening.

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