Ma Kettle

Ma Kettle

Friday, April 20, 2012

OOH, My Lady's Things!


     In the news recently there has been a lot of talk on "THE WAR ON WOMEN". Oooh I'm scared! It seems to have started this time with whole Rush/ Slut controversy and went on to the HHS mandate forcing employers to pay for the pill, but in reality this is just the latest chapter in the sexism and control of women that's been going on in the world for millennium. If it's not one theocratic backward social idea it's another. Now I know us girls have soft brains and menstruation make us overly emotional and crazy, but really why are people (sexism isn't just for men) so set on the control of the gentler sex?
     So here's the beef, women are smart, funny, powerful. They run our corporations and countries, are professionals, soldiers, teachers, get degrees, write books, lead congregations, and when or if they choose are lovers, wives, and mothers. Yet the conventional and conservative perspective on women is that we should be virgins and then wives and mothers, we should be literate, but mostly pleasant and nice. The conservative/ Christian idea is that women should place motherhood and being a wife as their highest most satisfying job in their lives. Okay, I know a lot of people right now are saying "But, Martha there are plenty of conservative female leaders". Yes that's true, however Michelle Bachman has said that she respects that her husband is the head of their home and she is submissive to him, that he told her to be a tax attorney. We know that Mrs. Romney is the mother of five boys, but do we know much else about her, does she?
       The Church has said that contraception goes against their teachings and the paying of "the pill" for employees would lead to the closing of schools, hospitals, and charities. Now, first let's just look at other times the Church has been on the wrong side of history. Oh, you know, standing quietly by during the Holocaust, burning witches, killing.... well everyone who disagreed with the doctrine, and trying to control governments by questioning the legitimacy of their king, to name just a few. Now, when a government wants to make a law about health care they want to take their ball and go pout. Well how cute! They should. Concerning the mandate, on a matter of principle, I am against it. Regardless of it's goals, this mandate is doing something that is unconstitutional by forcing citizens to purchase a product. Yeah I know, auto insurance, but the government doesn't force you to have a car, so it's different. Anyway, if it becomes a law it's silly and stupid for employers to just close because of something they disagree with. What if a Christian Science organization refused to fund chemo? We would be up in arms, saying this was ridiculous, while only making the organization looking bad. But, I have an even more pertinent question, why would the earthly representation of Christ be against women being in control of their bodies to enjoy a life of independence and a pursuit of learning? In fact a lot of the gospels speak of Jesus being revolutionary concerning women's issues. Such as in the story of Mary and Martha, where Jesus tells Martha to stop preparing for the sabbath and join in talking Torah. For the Jews of the era this is some pretty revolutionary stuff.  However, today the Church feels women should be celibate till marriage and then have as many children as possible or use "the rhythm method". Come on, "the rhythm method"? Most women don't have regular periods to use "the rhythm method". The crazy thing is we're talking about celibate men are trying to influence policy on women's health issues. They will say "there's no medical use for "the pill"". Really? Cause I'm pretty sure that doctors have been prescribing oral contraceptive for the treatment of ovarian cysts and heavy periods that can lead to anemia. They will say "I'm not going to pay for your orgasm." Man, if the pill gave you an orgasm I think everyone would be lined up around the block. Just because someone is on it doesn't mean they're having sex and what about married couples, can we not have sex?
    If the Church wants to have a war on sex and women, fine, but they may not try to influence policy. That is still the will of the people. And I have one more thing to say to religious zealots who would try to infringe on my rights and body. If you want to end abortion, then why be against people taking the precaution to not have an unwanted pregnancy? The world isn't celibate, that's why there's people and I'm unconvinced that Christ would want people to be, that idea came from Paul and he was a wack jobber. As for the rest of those conservatives out there, if you think for one minute that we are going to go quietly in to the dark night of women being submissive by trying to strap us down with an unwanted baby while calling us stupid sluts well I just have one thing to say to you: we are your mothers, your daughters, your wives, and we're becoming your bosses and you really should be ashamed of yourselves.

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