Ma Kettle

Ma Kettle

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"But Mummy, if We Take the Corn and Wheat Subsidy Money Aren't We Supporting the Government's Over Involvement in Agriculture Price Fixing" or Times when I've Been Told to Shut Up

      So I like to think of my mother as a great lady (who would not let me say "fart" as a child) but, when talking about not taking advantage of the government subsidy programs, that give our family farm money for doing nothing, she will down right start swearing like she just came to port on shore leave. It's hard to not say "thank you"when someone is giving you money but in this case I tend to feel like I and my family are being part of the problem by being involved in the price fixing for the corn industry.
   Okay so what is the Corn and Wheat subsidy? Well if you have a number of acres that have been assessed as able to support crops, then you can get a check twice a year for not growing anything on them. So what's wrong with that? Well, this is a major way for the government (USDA) to support the corn industry by keeping their prices high. I personally don't think that the USDA has the right or duty to support any industry. It's like "okay well how about making broccoli $10 a pound" at least actual vegetables are good for people, but high fructose corn syrup is more profitable. I guess the thing I like least about programs like these is that they aren't transparent enough, it feels like hush money. "Here's $1000 you didn't see anything" and all the farmers/ people with extra land say "Nope, you're right I am not noticing anything going on in the world of agriculture."
    So why do I take the money and run? Well, it offsets my property tax and Mom (who I so know is listening to Rush, it's the worst kept secret) does not believe in property taxes, so this is a way for us to get a huge coupon on our taxes. No joke, my mom has been putting tea bags in the envelope with her tax check since the 80's. And I agree, I don't feel the government has the right to tax my property, I mean I thought we weren't in a feudal system damn it! However, subsidies aren't the way to achieve living tax free. It's just a way to fuel the corporate machine that is strangling the country in every arena. I am happy to report that is were we agree. No one in the Hilderbrand/ Whitmill house believes in the corporate takeover of America, after all we are in the DAR and believe firmly in our complete freedom, wether it's from a government or any other entity.

    To conclude, subsidies bad, money good? Let's just say it's complicated. And I guess that's the best way for me to end this blog, It's Complicated. Everything is; in politics, environmental issues, economy, culture, blah blah blah. Once you are sure that you have the right idea on any issue, give it time cause you'll be wrong. As sure as the sun no one has the right answer and there is no one solution. If the experts were always right there wouldn't be any need for further research and advancement. Not that I would give advice, because that's the surest way to piss people off, but if you are unwilling to be flexible then you will break. Investing too much emotion into any conviction is the best way to become disillusioned once it all blows up in your face.  Is the world getting better or worst? Hell if I know, cause even though the economy is in the toilet and our CO2 problem is becoming unbearable at the same time I, a woman, am able to pursue my education and drive, something my grandmother was not allowed to do.  So even though our technological and social advancements barrel though the delicate china shop of the natural world, that just means we need to be prepared to assess the damage and repair it while trying not to do anything that can't be fixed.  This world produced Stalin and Mel Brooks so that's proof that this is a complicated place, in the last 100 years there has been huge suffering and great advances too. So   how do we proceed into the future? Carefully.


I have enjoyed the class, you haven't changed my mind on anything, but all the same.  Your attitude could have been better, but I'm sure mine could have been better too. I do believe that you show potential at being a good teacher but, you may want to ask yourself if you would want to be in your class, sometimes it was difficult. And I have liked the bloging it's been fun to fully rant about topics. So my opinion, not that it's worth much to anyone else but me, interesting class, sometimes I wanted to scream, but I did like how you formatted it. So Bravo! And best of luck!

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