Ma Kettle

Ma Kettle

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Help Us Veggie Burger, You're Our Only Hope! part 1

   So, you like meat. No, you LOVE meat. It is delicious and the basis of the American diet. And I'm sure there is very little I can say to change your mind. I know because I was there, I love a good steak or a lovely roast chicken. But, I also care about the welfare of animals and the negative consequences of CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations). So, as a farmer my solution was to raise our own chickens for meat and eggs and goats for dairy. I knew my animals were clean, healthy, and happy. Also, this was green, right? I mean it looked all pastoral and green, how could a small farming operation have any kind of carbon footprint and how was this not the healthiest way possible to get that vital component PROTEIN. Well, as I'm inclined to constantly gather new information and evolve new ideas and opinions and I changed my mind.
 Eating meat just a couple generations ago was a sign of prosperity, gone were the days of meat rationing, we wanted bacon for breakfast, ham sandwiches for lunch, and a beef roasts for dinner, oh and don't forget your milk. Unfortunately a ripple of undesirable consequences began to cascade from this "Greatest Generation" diet or as its now known around the world the "SAD" diet or Standard American Diet. But, I'm sure we can all agree that today its sign of prosperity to be fit, educated, and disease free. According to the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN), "[SACN] reviewed the evidence on the links between red and processed meat and bowel cancer. It concludes that red and processed meat probably increases the risk of bowel cancer" (United Kingdom Department of Health). And according to The World Health Organization "Households should select predominantly plant-based diets rich in a variety of vegetables and fruits, pulses or legumes, and minimally processed starchy staple foods. The evidence that such diets will prevent or delay a significant proportion of non-communicable chronic diseases is consistent. A predominantly plant-based diet has a low energy density, which may protect against obesity." 
 Okay, but what about all of the nutrients that are derived from eating meat and dairy. What about protein, calcium, B12, and iron? This is where it gets interesting. It's true that for the last three generations the USDA have told us that we need these nutrients and that they only come from drinking your milk and eating a nice American sized portion of your favorite meat, but the USDA's job isn't to give health and nutrition advice. "We provide leadership on food, agriculture, and natural resources, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management." (USDA Mission Statement The USDA is in existence to aid the agricultural market not make  nutritional policy, however the public and doctors use the USDAs recommendations on health choices. According to a World Health Organization study analyzing the dietary needs for protein and amino acid intake the findings are interesting, "there has been no systematic study of body composition of adults in relation to variation of protein intakes within the normal range in well-fed societies. However, attempts to increase muscle mass by increases in protein intake within the normal range have generally failed....during intensive weight training in a randomized double-blind cross-over study, and found no difference in measured strength (voluntary and electrically evoked) and muscle mass..." (WHO Technical Report Series #935). The study goes on to describe how the body recycles amino acids, proteins effect on nitrogen balance, and protein intake. According to the study the minimal amount of protein needed is 4% of calories consumed. It is ridiculously easy to reach and exceed this number given that one slice of artisanal bread is roughly 4 g of protein. "Thus, protein-deficient diets are almost certain to be generally nutrient-poor diets, deficient to varying degrees in a range of other nutrients..."(WHO Technical Report Series #935). Now protein isn't all good, like all things in excess it can be a detriment. In a FAO report findings saw an increase in calcium found in urine when there was an increase in animal protein, "A meta-analysis of 16 studies in 154 adult humans on protein intakes up to 200 g found that 1.2 mg of calcium was lost in the urine for every 1 g rise in dietary protein." (FAO/WHO Human Vitamin and Mineral Requirements 2002). In the same report B12 is described as "Most microorganisms, including bacteria and algae, synthesize vitamin B12, and they constitute the only source of the vitamin." It is true that most people get their B12 through meat, but how did the meat get the B12? Animals consume B12 from the microorganisms in their environment whether it's found on their grass or on their feed. Our grocery store produce, for obvious reasons, is super washed in chlorine solutions to kill pathogens. Unfortunately, this hyper-hygiene also kills the microorganisms that help us synthesize nutrients such as B12. So, take a supplement and that goes for everyone as B12 deficiency doesn't just happen to vegans.  And as with most nutrients iron is easily absorbed through consuming plant foods, but check with your doctor on supplementation as too much iron is toxic. 

So, now I know I don't need meat, dairy, or eggs and it's not that good for me any way. With that in mind it seems that in order to produce our own food it looks like we never needed to have those animals after all. And that is such a good thing. I mean you have no idea how hard it is to keep everything housed, fed, safe, healthy, etc. The expense is astronomical and don't expect to break even if you hope to sell excess, we were constantly at a loss. Right now it appears that a plant based diet is healthier and cheeper than that old "SAD" diet however sustainable you think it is. Plus, by growing it ourselves we are not "super washing" everything so we may be getting that natural B12 after all. And don't forget that Vitamin D you get from going out in the sun, and the exercise, and fresh air. And to all those who would accuse me of being preachy, what kind of ass would I be if I knew of a healthier way to live and kept it to myself. I want all of my friends and the whole world to be healthier, happier, richer, and live on a better planet. What if it was as simple as changing what we eat.

As a part 1 we've talked about how our nutritional needs can be easily met through a plant based diet and how reducing your consumption of red meat you can possibly prevent cancers, heart disease and other health issues. We're going to go on to discuss the meat industry's effect on the planet, the economy, world hunger, and the animals themselves. 


Friday, April 20, 2012

OOH, My Lady's Things!


     In the news recently there has been a lot of talk on "THE WAR ON WOMEN". Oooh I'm scared! It seems to have started this time with whole Rush/ Slut controversy and went on to the HHS mandate forcing employers to pay for the pill, but in reality this is just the latest chapter in the sexism and control of women that's been going on in the world for millennium. If it's not one theocratic backward social idea it's another. Now I know us girls have soft brains and menstruation make us overly emotional and crazy, but really why are people (sexism isn't just for men) so set on the control of the gentler sex?
     So here's the beef, women are smart, funny, powerful. They run our corporations and countries, are professionals, soldiers, teachers, get degrees, write books, lead congregations, and when or if they choose are lovers, wives, and mothers. Yet the conventional and conservative perspective on women is that we should be virgins and then wives and mothers, we should be literate, but mostly pleasant and nice. The conservative/ Christian idea is that women should place motherhood and being a wife as their highest most satisfying job in their lives. Okay, I know a lot of people right now are saying "But, Martha there are plenty of conservative female leaders". Yes that's true, however Michelle Bachman has said that she respects that her husband is the head of their home and she is submissive to him, that he told her to be a tax attorney. We know that Mrs. Romney is the mother of five boys, but do we know much else about her, does she?
       The Church has said that contraception goes against their teachings and the paying of "the pill" for employees would lead to the closing of schools, hospitals, and charities. Now, first let's just look at other times the Church has been on the wrong side of history. Oh, you know, standing quietly by during the Holocaust, burning witches, killing.... well everyone who disagreed with the doctrine, and trying to control governments by questioning the legitimacy of their king, to name just a few. Now, when a government wants to make a law about health care they want to take their ball and go pout. Well how cute! They should. Concerning the mandate, on a matter of principle, I am against it. Regardless of it's goals, this mandate is doing something that is unconstitutional by forcing citizens to purchase a product. Yeah I know, auto insurance, but the government doesn't force you to have a car, so it's different. Anyway, if it becomes a law it's silly and stupid for employers to just close because of something they disagree with. What if a Christian Science organization refused to fund chemo? We would be up in arms, saying this was ridiculous, while only making the organization looking bad. But, I have an even more pertinent question, why would the earthly representation of Christ be against women being in control of their bodies to enjoy a life of independence and a pursuit of learning? In fact a lot of the gospels speak of Jesus being revolutionary concerning women's issues. Such as in the story of Mary and Martha, where Jesus tells Martha to stop preparing for the sabbath and join in talking Torah. For the Jews of the era this is some pretty revolutionary stuff.  However, today the Church feels women should be celibate till marriage and then have as many children as possible or use "the rhythm method". Come on, "the rhythm method"? Most women don't have regular periods to use "the rhythm method". The crazy thing is we're talking about celibate men are trying to influence policy on women's health issues. They will say "there's no medical use for "the pill"". Really? Cause I'm pretty sure that doctors have been prescribing oral contraceptive for the treatment of ovarian cysts and heavy periods that can lead to anemia. They will say "I'm not going to pay for your orgasm." Man, if the pill gave you an orgasm I think everyone would be lined up around the block. Just because someone is on it doesn't mean they're having sex and what about married couples, can we not have sex?
    If the Church wants to have a war on sex and women, fine, but they may not try to influence policy. That is still the will of the people. And I have one more thing to say to religious zealots who would try to infringe on my rights and body. If you want to end abortion, then why be against people taking the precaution to not have an unwanted pregnancy? The world isn't celibate, that's why there's people and I'm unconvinced that Christ would want people to be, that idea came from Paul and he was a wack jobber. As for the rest of those conservatives out there, if you think for one minute that we are going to go quietly in to the dark night of women being submissive by trying to strap us down with an unwanted baby while calling us stupid sluts well I just have one thing to say to you: we are your mothers, your daughters, your wives, and we're becoming your bosses and you really should be ashamed of yourselves.

HEMP! For a Brighter Tomorrow.

  Happy 4:20!! Today potheads around the country are pushing for the legalization of a harmless plant that makes your face go a little numb and giggly, while giving you an incredible urge to make blueberry waffles (not that I speak from experience). I say this as a mom and a farmer in an economically depressed area, we need to legalize marijuana and hemp, especially hemp. Yes the "sticky icky" is great for a good time and there are medical uses, but first we must legalize the commercial cultivation and manufacturing of this incredibly versatile crop.
  You can NOT get high on hemp and contrary to what the feds want to whine about, anyone can easily tell the difference between hemp and pot. Hemp, grows to up to 14ft high and is very thick. Marijuana, grows like a medium sized bush. Because the THC is in the bud of the plant, the grower wants it to be smaller allowing the plant to give it's energy to make more THC, like you would with a tomato plant.
  The cultivation of hemp would be as good for the country, economically, as would a gold rush or the discovery of a major oil well.  Not only can the fibers be turned into fabrics, and rope, but paper! Just Imagine all the trees that can be saved. And in terms of CO2 sequestration, CO2 is best sequestered during the growth of a plant. Trees actually emit CO2 at the end of their life cycle and during the winter, where as a plant that uses and incredible amount of energy to get to 14 ft in a single growing season, then harvested and turned into paper, fabric, food, etc sequesters many tons of CO2 while preventing the CO2 that would be emitted by other industries such as paper. Talk about ECO FRIENDLY! Additionally, hemp is incredibly resistant to drought and pests, therefore requiring little agricultural interventions. This means no need for poisons and nitrogen fertilizers in our water, air, and soil. Because little intervention is needed this is the ultimate cash crop. Hemp oils are also incredible. Hemp oil has more Omega 3 than fish and in the past it was used for lantern oil meaning it can be easily converted into  a bio fuel. By the way America has some of  the most crop able land on the planet. Don't you think this would would turn into an awesome export?
  Several states, including Indiana, have presented bills to legalize hemp, but not surprisingly every time they get turned down, but why? Why would our legislatures keep us from a cleaner, richer future and less dependant on foreign energy? Well guess what would happen to industries like timber, cotton, agricultural chemicals, and oil if an incredible and cheep competitor came in. And who do you think has major lobbing groups taking congressmen out to dinner an golf? And here I though the free market wasn't allowed to push out a competitor.
  To conclude, hemp does not pose a threat to America, quite the opposite. In a world with legalized hemp cultivation we will experience a new era in American agriculture. With a fresh cash crop on the stage we can have a carbon sponge that gives us fuel and fiber that can be used for a world of different needs. Today let's remember to press our legislatures to get over the fear of a plant while ending the bribery from corporations who keep this mighty crop away from the American economy.

Cool Hemp Facts:

*Henry Ford experimented with hemp to build car bodies. He wanted to build and fuel cars from farm products.
*Hemp fibers are longer, stronger, more absorbent and more mildew-resistant than cotton.

*A 1938 Popular Mechanics described hemp as a "New Billion Dollar Crop." That's back when a billion was real money.

*Fabrics made of at least one-half hemp block the sun's UV rays more effectively than other fabrics.

*George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp. Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper.

*Because of its importance for sails (the word "canvass" is rooted in "cannabis") and rope for ships, hemp was a required crop in the American colonies.

*Because of its low lignin content, hemp can be pulped using less chemicals than with wood. Its natural brightness can obviate the need to use chlorine bleach, which means no extremely toxic dioxin being dumped into streams. A kinder and gentler chemistry using hydrogen peroxide rather than chlorine dixoide is possible with hemp fibers.

*Hemp can displace wood fiber and save forests for watershed, wildlife habitat, recreation and oxygen production, carbon sequestration (reduces global warming), and other values.

*Hemp can yield 3-8 dry tons of fiber per acre. This is four times what an average forest can yield.

*Hemp grows well in a variety of climates and soil types. It is naturally resistant to most pests, precluding the need for pesticides. It grows tightly spaced, out-competing any weeds, so herbicides are not necessary. It also leaves a weed-free field for a following crop.

*Hemp can displace cotton which is usually grown with massive amounts of chemicals harmful to people and the environment. 50% of all the world's pesticides are sprayed on cotton.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"It Wins the Election, It Gives You an Erection..... Step Right Up!"

Gold, the ultimate symbol of wealth, has been getting a little more attention lately since the dollar began to plummet. Investors, afraid of total economic collapse, have been placing their trust in this eternal metal, but why? After all it's just an arbitrary material that we have simply assessed a value to. Perhaps it's because gold is practically indestructible and resistant to most acids, air, and moisture unlike other metals. It shines and is highly mailable, one ounce can be beaten into 300 sq ft, and because of it's conductivity it is now used in electronics, most of all it's rare. "Gold is a relatively rare element, making up only 0.0000004% of the Earth’s crust (by mass). You would need at least 250 twenty-ton trucks full of earth in order to recover just 20 grams (just over half of one troy ounce) of gold. That’s a cube of gold with measuring less than one-half inch across! Gold is valuable simply because it’s scarce and difficult to extract."(

  Okay, so it's awesome, but why use it to back currency? The easiest answer is that it holds it's value, historically. "Between 1880 and 1914, the period when the United States was on the “classical gold standard,” inflation averaged only 0.1 percent per year."( However, according to the current inflation rate of the US dollar is 2.65%. As our currency continues to fall and gas prices rise it's no wonder that people are looking for a stronger backing of our currency than just the "word" of the government. What makes a "gold standard" work is a central bank willing to raise it's bank rate, the Bank of England was one of the most exemplary banks because of their willingness to do this. "By causing other interest rates in the United Kingdom to rise as well, the rise in the bank rate was supposed to cause the holdings of inventories and other investment expenditures to decrease. These reductions would then cause a reduction in overall domestic spending and a fall in the price level. At the same time, the rise in the bank rate would stem any short-term capital outflow and attract short-term funds from abroad."( However, we continue to drop our interest rates, but banks are getting stingier with who they grant credit to.
   Hey! Why lie, we all want to be rich, we want our dollar to go farther. Money makes the world go round! That's not greed it's progress, yet "progressives" say this is impossible. Europe changed over their currency with little problem, by the way it's also backed by speculation and well.... But if we look at what history tells us, the years the UK and the US where under the gold standard there was stability and growth, defiantly something I think we can all agree that we are in desperate need of.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Where Are The Rebels?

 So, I feel compelled to get back on the blogging band wagon if for no other reason I think I should not only rant about the craziness of everything, but I also want to be on record.  Where to begin, it's been  well over a year since I've been here. This will be a new chapter in the development of my views and position on the planet and as an American citizen. Instead of carpet bombing my friends and loved ones with my in-your-face approach, I've decided best to stretch my wings in an arena where I give all the detail that's need for understanding the nuances of my opinions.
  This year is especially important and interesting. Many of our previously held values and views are being challenged. Under the hard pinch of a stagnating economy many of us don't feel there's much room for the idealism we once entertained. Without the opportunities of a prosperous nation many of us have been forced to experience the "social safety net". Have you ever wondered why those who would never use this "safety net" are the ones making up the rules and telling the populous the need for such programs? We all know the path to hell is paved with good intentions and in the interest to feeding the hungry, programs have been created that do feed people while stripping them of their dignity and the process is strung with suspicion and threats of prosecution.
  In addition to money woes police brutality, infringement of privacy, the TSA, propaganda staged as news, etc it seems we stand on the verge of a near annihilation of anything that resembled the free America that we were told of in school. The warning alarms are sounding, but so few of us are willing to hear them. The illusion is fading because the powers don't need it anymore and this is the most terrifying thing of all. All branches of government are now acting without shame, overtly showing themselves for what they really are, a controlling western fascist state. How many of us experience injustice and keep quiet or see injustice and remain unmoved to act?
   In this election year let's be involved in our process. Vote! Even if the news says it doesn't matter, especially if the news says it doesn't matter. Don't be manipulated into either side or any side. We are made up of a motel crew of independent rebels that may not like each other, in fact most of the time we hate each other, but we are a WE. The one thing Americans have in common is that we agree freedom, individual liberty, the democratic process, and sound currency without unfair taxation are worth revolution. Our flag is stained in the blood of rebels that stood up to an oppressive force that believed it was able to control men and women who wanted to be free. What would Washington say if the country he fought so hard to forge was full of distracted and manipulated cattle unworthy of being called citizen allowing the republic to be quietly overtaken.
   And that's where we'll start. Let's start a revolution. Guns aren't necessary for this revolution words are, thoughts are. This is important, it is real, and it's already happening.